About CEF Mid-Columbia


Julie Fritts

Julie Fritts, Local Director

[Contact Julie]

Julie accepted Jesus as a child of seven and knows that a child can personally know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This is the reason she said YES to being the Director of Mid-Columbia CEF in 2008. As Director, Julie oversees the training of teachers in the Good News Club curriculum, visits churches to tell of the work of CEF and how they can be involved in reaching the children in their community, and even gets to have "feet on the ground" by being involved in three Good News Clubs. God is doing mighty things in the Mid-Columbia and you can be a part of that by impacting children for eternity through Good News Clubs and 5-Day Clubs in your community.

John Pinheiro

John Pinheiro, Director in Training

[Contact John]

John has worked in children's ministries for over 20 years. He is a family man with seven grown children, and three young adopted children and foster children. He and his wife, Rosana, have been involved in foster parenting for 14 years.

John has a deep passion to see kids come to know Christ and to grow in their walk with Him. John loves to disciple and mentor youth of all ages, working with the Lord, to raise up the next generation. His goal is equipping this next generation to bringing the Gospel to the lost, and make disciples of Christ. As the new Director of CEF Mid-Columbia Chapter, John oversees the development of teachers in the Good News Club groups, and the youth of CYIA. Additionally John is responsible for the administration of the CEF Mid-Columbia Chapter, working in partnership the communities and churches of 7 counties in Oregon, to develop thriving after school and summer programs (Good News Clubs, Christian Youth in Action, & 5-Day Clubs).

John asks that community and church members join him and the CEF Mid-Columbia chapter leadership in prayer and funding so that the work of the Lord will be as fruitful as possible. Jesus passionately said "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." Matthew 19:14, Luke 18:16 NLT

Lurel Smith

Lurel Smith, Office Manager

[Contact Lurel]

Lurel Smith's earliest childhood memory is of her standing knee high to her mother, as her mother read and explained the Bible teachings to her. Lurel has known her whole life that reaching children with the gospel and teaching them to build a relationship with Christ before they launch into the world is the most important thing she can do for our future generation. The last few decades, Lurel and her husband have raised their family to know Christ and to also build relationships with Christ in the children of the Gorge. Serving CEF as an Office Manager and Bookkeeper is a perfect fit for her to be able to keep active her calling, to support staff and teachers as they teach the gospel, and show children the way to have a relationship with Christ Jesus.

David McGaughey

David McGaughey, Intern

David accepted Jesus into his heart at 4 years old, and loved going to 5-day clubs, Awana, and VBS throughout his childhood. Raised alongside 6 siblings, he developed a love for children that carries into his ministry as a youth, David began teaching 5-day clubs in 2019 at 13 years old, and now heads into the summer of 2024 with 5 years of summer ministry experience, as well as a strong testimony of God's goodness through those years.

David loves the outdoors, hiking, landscaping his yard, pop and indie music, remembering birthdays, and telling others about Jesus. He's extremely excited for this year of CYIA ministry, during which he will be the intern for Mid-Columbia CEF.